Teachers are amazing. Year after year, they commit to doing everything they can for their students. They spend their own money to create beautiful classrooms, collaborate to share ideas for engaging lessons, and lose sleep worrying about how to make life better for their students. That’s why every year we celebrate World Teachers’ Day.
When is World Teachers’ Day 2021?
World Teachers’ Day takes place every year on October 5. In 2021, it falls on a Tuesday. In honor of World Teachers’ Day, here’s a collection of photos to show that neither national borders nor a pandemic can stop teachers from doing their important work.
1. Because science is awesome, no matter where you live …
Science is another universal subject, and there are great lessons in every setting.
Source: @sciencesportsandsprug
2. Because education is a powerful tool…
We love this image so much.
Source: @britannia.argentina
3. Because teaching and traveling definitely go together …
This teacher shares her love of travel with others.
Source: @cieetefl
4. Because nature inspires …
It’s a good reminder to go for a walk.
Source: @akersofbooks
5. Because transportation is also a learning opportunity …
We love teachers who give real-world answers.
Source: @franklin_street_globetrotters
6. Because we’re not afraid to jump in …
We share our enthusiasm about anything and everything.
Source: @grahamcrackers7
7. Because we respect our students …
We work weekends. A lot. So much.
Source: @phucmapvlog
8. Because we want students to aim higher …
We set the highest goals for them.
Source: @ananau_org
9. Because their smiles make us smile …
We keep each other going.
Source: @hannahpoppyjordan
10. Because we don’t do blank walls …
We fill our spaces with our own kinds of inspiration.
Source: @evolvedteacher
11. Because we enjoy our work …
We are not afraid to treasure our students.
Source: @evolvedteacher and student
12. Because we believe in our students …
We lift them up whenever we can.
Source: @onroadbh
13. Because we all learn from our students …
Every day brings a new reward.
Source: @iambrittanyrehal
14. Because you can have class anywhere …
This traveling class can set up a classroom just about anywhere.
Source: @thetravelingschool
15. Because we’re not afraid to get out of the classroom …
The world is our students’ oyster.
Source: @iehjakarta
16. Because we rejoice with them …
We’re not afraid to show our pride.
Source: @annabeatrizfranca
17. Because parents love to see them shine …
We create new ways to share their brilliance.
Source: @pinefieldschools
18. Because we want to connect …
We find meaningful ways to reach our students.
Source: @dreamsfromtheslum
19. Because they give us energy …
They help us get through those tired moments.
Source: @pugarfitrianita
20. Because we can all rock a selfie …
We can all fit as many students as we need to into our camera window.
Source: @fe.ra27
21. Because sometimes you need to lose the uniform …
This teacher loves seeing the students in their street clothes, and we do, too!
Source: @msspitzman
22. Because we’re better together …
You can’t beat the bond between teachers!
Source: @kidklture
23. Because it’s up to us to save the world …
Environmental education helps students understand their footprint.
Source: @ilearnabout_africa
24. Because we get to explore together …
Is there anything more fun than a class trip?
Source: @eftourscanada class trip
25. Because teamwork makes the dream work …
Source: @sandra_contreras713
26. Because we support each other …
There’s more than one way to build a team!
Source: @eftourscanada
27. Because our kids fill our hearts with love …
Source: @mysweethomerd
28. Because we will pool our resources …
Teachers will find a way to get students the supplies they need.
Source: @the_music_woman8
29. Because they deserve our attention …
Kids know they can depend on us.
Source: @vishwajyotkharghar
30. Because we bring our true selves to the classroom …
And we encourage our kids to express themselves too!
Source: @educazn
31. Because we will get the job done from anywhere!
No matter what the world throws at us, we will find a way to teach our students!
Source: @ayanaife